
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Homeschool is FUN

Ok, so maybe I'm a dork, but I love it.
I love our curriculum,
I love reading our books together,
I love setting up projects, and recipes.
I love having my kids with me all day.
I love the freedom we have to learn whatever, go wherever, play.

It's not all sunshine and rainbows.
There is clutter.
I do always with I had more time.
There are days the baby won't cooperated.

I still love it.
Our read-alouds this year so far have included:

Almost Home

 - an great way to feel as though you were on the Mayflower.  You really lived the ups and downs as the family tried to get to America

 and we are about one third the way through

Amos Fortune

  - it began as an African King and his children were having a ceremony in their village.  Captors came and snatched up the strongest males and females to be taken to America as slaves.  I really brings home how aweful the slave trade was, wiping out entire civilizations in Africa and following the journey in America.

The history we are reading to go along are:

Trial and Triumph

Story of the World

Building a City on a Hill

and a couple more....

We are also working on memorizing the whole book of James together, using
Boy, Have I Got Problems as our guide!

 - I don't know if we'll be able to do it, but we're having fun trying!!!!

Lexi had her second violin lesson today.
She is in love.
I am so surprised that I'm not covering my ears from squeakiness!
I hope this passion lasts a while.

Yesterday I made THIS (sort of) chili recipe.
I changed it a little by only adding 2 pounds of ground beef, but adding 2 summer squash.
I also at least doubled the broth so mine was more soupy.
Today we had leftovers of it and served it over mashed cauliflower.
It was really good!

Linked up at

I Choose Joy!

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